Sunday 14 February 2010

Graham Short. Let me show my etchings - part 1

By 5.30am I'm always awake. I shower quickly and eat my porridge looking out of the window.I drive to the local pool eight miles away where I swim 3000metres fast, every morning.There's me, a couple of triathletes and my friend Mike. I used to swim three times a day, 75 000 metres a week, and I was breaking records. I reckon I was the fittest man in the world for my age. I'm a bit of an obsessive and I daresay it cost me my first marriage. It's all or nothing with me.
Most of my work comes from London. The House of Commons prints 21m sheets of headed paper and fortun ately for me the steel dies of the portcullis insignia wear out. I do another every two months. I made a lot of money in the 1980's. I made hand engraved letterheads for all the big banks. I had a big house and sent my children to private schools. That was important for a boy who left school at 14 with one 0-level and a girl's bike. I felt I'd arrived.
I still do business cards and letterheads for no end of celebrities. I've just done Andrew Lloyd Webber's and Richard Branson's. I do Prince Charles stationery and all the royal palaces. The Queen's printer sends me the artwork, but the royal household does' know it's me who makes the engravings. No one does. Id have loved a By Royal Appointment warrant - I've been doing it for 40 years - but it's an anonymous life, is this.

[in times magazine]

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